Thursday, September 25, 2014

Books 2 & 3

Hello mortals.  I am here again after a long and stressful week because I have the most roughest like ever but I have more of the story.  So we ended with the big Z helping the Trojans I think. Well what happened next is rather smart of Zeus. The big Z decided to send a dream to Agamemnon to boost his mood in winning the war. But Agamemnon saw this as a way to like fool his soldiers into fighting better so he totally decided to raise their moral by tricking them; he told the groups that he had a dream that told him to just give up on the war. He thought this would make his soldiers wanting to like fight more, but instead they turned tail and ran away. After all, I would do the same if I had a chance at living out the rest of my life rather than dying on a smelly battle field.  Well I guess Hera saw the men running away and knew she had to do something so she called Athena and told her to take the news to Odysseus. When Odysseus heard of what happened, he gathered all the men and reminded them what the strange seer guy had said. "Nine years for the Achaeans to take Troy."  When the men finally cooled off and were ready to fight, Nestor and Agamemnon set the lines of the battlefield. They believed the men would be more willing to fight and die if they were put by their family and friends, like when you get to sit by your BFF at lunch.  During this time, the Trojans gathered together under Hector and then marched to meet the Acheans, where Paris-who totally started the war by stealing Helen from Menelaus-challenged the Greeks to a duel. Menelaus stepped forward, which scared Paris a lot. After Hector made fun of Paris for being a chicken, Paris gathered all his strength and decided to fight. It is decided that whoever won the battle would like win the war and take Helen as his own and then we could just all go home. When the two men were fighting, the goddess Iris disguised herself as Paris's (rather ugly in my opinion) sister and went to see Helen. She made Helen watch the fight between the two men which was rather disappointing. After Menelaus totally broke his sword over Paris' helmet, he then decided to drag the poor man through the dirt by his helmet. This made me feel sick and I was so ticked off that I broke Paris' helmet strap so that he would not be anymore strangled more than he was before. I then decided to save Paris cause lets face it, I'm a sucker for Trojans.  I brought Paris to the Palace where Helen was waiting for him and I left them alone cause I could totally see they wanted some sexy time.
As all the men searched for Paris, Agamemnon demanded that Menelaus won the duel and totally deserved Helen back.
Well I get bored easily and totally don't know what is going on sometimes because it's just so lame, but I found this site that totally helped me! It was way better than those stupid short story sites cause those are just stupid, but I found this amazing one all about me!
Stewart, Michael. &quot;Aphrodite&quot;, <i>Greek Mythology: From the Iliad to the Fall of the Last Tyrant</i>. <a href=""></a> (November 14, 2005) (Accessed October 2014)

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