Thursday, September 25, 2014

Books 4, 5, & 6

This is the part of the war where us gods stupidly fight with each other. The big Z said that Menelaus won the battle and the war, but Hera totally disagrees and said that the war should continue until Troy is destroyed.  She made Zeus then send for Athena to start up the war again and like Athena does this by disguising herself as a Trojan warrior (eww she's dressed as a man) and convinced this dude Pandarus, an archer, to shoot at Menelaus. Pandarus shot right at Menee, but Athena used her powers to make the arrow move and only hurt Menelaus a little. This, as 'genius' Athena knew would happen, angered the Greeks. Agamemnon gathered the soldiers back onto the battlefield and Odysseus and Aias killed so many Trojans that it really sucked for a while. This is when we, the magnificent gods, got to help in the war. While Athena took the Greeks, Apollo and I helped the Trojans.
During the fighting, Pandarus wounded Diomedes which greatly upset Diomedes, who then prayed to Athena for revenge. Athena said yes and gave Diomedes superhuman powers, like the ability to see the gods on the battlefield. She totally warned him not to challenge any of the gods but me....because I am a nice god and I'm helping the Trojans. Well, he agrees and goes on a killing spree, killing Pandarus and then wounding Aeneas, my son! Well, one of my sons. But because he IS one of my kids, I went in between them to stop them and then I felt a sharp pain in my wrist. The damn Greek had cut me and blood was falling down my arm and staining my beautifuly hand-made robes! I dropped my kid and clutched at my arm, but before Diomedes could drive the blade through me or my son, Apollo took him up away from battlefield. I was in so much pain and when I finally got to Olympus I called my mom ( Dione) cause it hurt so much and I though I was gonna die but she healed my poor arm. She was the only one who cared about me because Zeus told me I was not good enough for war and I deserved to get hurt.  That jerk...
Anyway, while Apollo took care of my son, that stupid Diomedes stabbed him (Apollo that is). Having seen this, Athena was super upset because Diomedes was told to only attack me so Apollo warned Diomedes to stay away from the gods before taking Aeneas off the field, leaving a like shadow of my kid behind to trick Diomedes.
Apollo called then to Ares, the god of war, because he was busy and needed someone to help fight with the Trojans. Finally the Trojans are ahead in the war and the gods on the field kept scaring the little Greeks. Of course Hera and Athena were allowed by the big Z to go back on the field and help the Achaeans while I sat in the corner being bored.  Athena got Diomedes to hurt Ares, who then went back to Olympus where he tattle-tales to Zeus about his injury. Zeus then says Ares deserved the injury, but  I believe it was unfair because the goddesses were helping so Ares basically got hurt by a god.
Finally after all the gods left the battlefield, the Greeks defeat the Trojans the Trojans go back towards the city to safety, and Nestor tells the Greeks to keep fighting because the Trojans are weakening.  Menelaus then captured Adrestus-some minor dude-and threatened to kill him, but Agamemnon told Menne to just kill the dude to show their power over the Trojans. The Trojans knew they would not win because their power had gone away a longtime ago in the war. Hector is then told to like go to Troy by the seer Helenus and he does this and cries to his mommy to pray for mercy to Athena.  And then to top if off he scares his own kid when he goes home to his poor lonely wife!
"He stretched his arms towards his child, but the boy cried and nestled in his nurse's bosom, scared at the sight of his father's armour, and at the horse-hair plume that nodded fiercely from his helmet. His father and mother laughed to see him, but Hector took the helmet from his head and laid it all gleaming upon the ground. Then he took his darling child, kissed him, and dandled him in his arms, praying over him the while to Jove and to all the gods."
From "The Iliad of Homer" book from like class.

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