Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Hello dear mortals. Throughout this long endeavor, I guess I will be posting to this website my views on the world and life that is going on here during the idiotic Trojan War. My name is Aphrodite, if you already didn't like know that. I am the goddess of love, beauty, and sexual rapture so therefore I am amazing. I was born when my father, Uranus (funny name right??) was castrated by his son Cronus. My brother then threw my father's genitals into the ocean. The waters bubbled and thrashed and I was like born from the sea foam. However, Homer claims that I am the daughter of Zeus and Dione and because Zeus is the father of all, he married me off to Hephaestus, the lame-o smith god. My husband was so psyched that he made me the most amazingly awesome jewels in all the worlds. This also attracted so many men to me even though most of them like already loved me. I have totally loved many gods, even mortals though they are way below me. This led to like the births of my children; Eros, Atheros, Hymenaias, and Aeneas.  I know the names sound sooo weird but this is the ancient times man.  Since I have already told you so much about me, I shall attach a photo. But like try not to lick the screen.
The Love Goddess,

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