Thursday, October 9, 2014

Books 10-12

Soooo this war is totally stupid and long and silly, but I have to share it with you because it is a great epic and everyone should know it.  Where we left off:
The Achaeans decided that they had to invade the Trojan’s camp and they chose Diomedes and Odysseus to spy for them.  Both warriors put on their armor and set off but the Trojans also decided to totally spy on the Greeks, but they only sent one dude called  Dolon.  Dolon sadly ran into Diomedes and Odysseus and he is so scared and begs for his life and totally tells the Greeks what the Trojans had planned.  Diomedes then just kills Dolon, taking all his clothes and armor and  then just left his naked body so they could go back to their spying.

When they reached the Trojans, they killed twelve men before seriously stealing Rhesus’ chariot and racing it back to their camp.  If I had been there, I would have slapped those men, and like told them that they are cheating and should be punished for what they had done.  But honestly, I wasn’t there and the men were, of course, cheerfully greeted when they got back to camp.
The next day, Zeus rained blood on the Greeks which is soooo gross, but this showed his disapproval for what had happened during the night.  This just seems to like encourage the Achaeans to fight harder, which totally gave them the upper hand by lunch.  Agamemnon is a total killing machine by this time and the Trojans just know he had to be stopped.  A lot of Trojans try to kill Agamemnon; Iphidamas and Koon each died in their attempts.  This really made Hektor upset and he started to kill more and more Greeks, which is only fighting fire with fire, but that is the way these silly men see the world. 

Alexandros finally hurt Diomedes by shooting him in the foot with an arrow but Diomedes  just laughed and said  he was invincible but then he decided to leave the battle.  The Trojans once again are happily ahead until the Greeks just pushed forward.  During this, Machaon is injured by Paris, who finally shows up again, and is also carried off the field.  When Achilles saw this, he tried to find out what happened and Patroklos also saw Machaon injured, but before he can tell Achilles what had happened, he is forced to put on Achilles’ armor by oldie Nestor.  Nestor did this because the Greeks needed someone to lead the dudes to battle and basically scare the Trojans away.  Both sides continued to fight and fight and fight, but because the Greeks were so well hidden by their huge wall and trenches, so the Trojans decided to just leave their chariots and fight the Greek dudes face to face.  An eagle then flew over the battle and dropped a snake onto the Trojans' side of the battle.  This totally scared Polydamas and he really wanted to retreat, but Hektor was just like "no" and totally continued to fight.  Finally Hektor broke through one of the gates in the big wall and all of the Trojans charged into the Achaeans’ camp.  This totally like scared them and they retreated like a bunch of chickens to their ships.   

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