Monday, October 27, 2014

Books 22-24

Well during today’s drama Hector stood outside the Trojan gates like a baby refusing to come in. After Achilles gets done chasing Apollo around the field Hector stands up to him, he tries to bargain with him, but then gets scared and he runs off. Hector laps the city three times with Achilles chasing him like the rabbit at the dog track. Zeus was apparently thinking about saving Hector…again, but Athena said that the kid’s time has come, and after messing around with his fate scales he agrees. Athena disguises herself and cons Hector into turning and fighting, which the idiot does. There are a few missed punches Hector turns around realizes that his comrade has disappeared and the gods have messed with him again. In the craziest thing I have ever seen he charges Achilles, who knows the weak spot in the armor and shoves a spear right through him. In his last moments Hector begs Achilles to send his body back to the Trojans, but Achilles leaves the body to the dogs and birds…classy. So the Achaeans stab the body and drag it behind some horses and do generally horrible things to it while his mom and wife watch from the castle and breakdown. Who would blame them?

Achilles has a really weird way of mourning Patroclus, I mean like he as finally started eating food but the dude hasn’t bathed in days. You can smell him all the way to Mount Olympus! Patroclus’s soul makes an appearance and let Achilles know that he needs his funeral soon so he can go to the underworld. So of course the next day they have the biggest funeral this side of the river Styx! Complete with the sacrificing of 12 Trojan prisoners, then they light all of it on fire. After the funeral Achilles decides to hold a bunch of sports and games to honor the fallen hero, the usual wrestling, archery, chariot racing, and of course there are many fabulous prizes. Diomedes cheats and wins the chariot race with the help from Athena, and Achilles considers taking away the 2nd place winners prize and give it to the guy who lost because he was cheated out of his win. I will never understand this sports nonsense. After they all start fighting and yelling at each other about who cheated and who should get the big gold stick the all eventually make up.
And the mourning continues. Apparently Achilles is still super upset and the only thing that makes him feel better is violating and stepping on Hector’s dead body, that is just gross. Apollo has decided to protect Hector’s body from getting rotten and gooey which makes the whole situation way weirder. Finally after almost two weeks of this disturbing display Apollo convinces Zeus that Achilles needs to ransom Hector’s body before he starts doing even weirder stuff to it. So Zeus sends Thetis to talk to Achilles and sends Iris to Priam to tell him how to make the deal. Hecuba is terrified that Achilles is gonna kill her husband too so Zeus sends an eagle…what is with the birds people!? Priam sets out in a chariot full to busting with money and treasure and is guided to Achilles tent by Hermes, who sticks around long enough to say hi and then leaves. Priam totally begs on hands and knees for Achilles go give him Hector’s body. Achilles gets all nostalgic about his own dad and decides to take the gold and give up Hector’s body. It gets late so Priam decides to sleep in Achilles tent, but in the middle of the night Hermes pops back in to let him know he is a moron and shouldn’t be sleeping with the enemy. So Priam wakes his driver and they grab the body and sneak out of camp. Every woman in Troy wails with grief when Hector’s body comes home. After dragging out the funeral prep for nine days the Trojans finally put Hector on the pyre and light it up. I’m hoping this is like all over soon cause I really need my beauty sleep and this war was just dragging on and on...

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