Monday, October 27, 2014

Books 19-21

So Thetis came down with the new armor for Achilles new tin suit today! Totally fabulous! Then she said she would hang out with Patroclus’s body and make sure it didn’t get all nasty and slimy while the boys go into battle. Agamemnon and Achilles make up and decide to go into battle together. Achilles is totally ready for this fight right now but Odysseus talks him into letting everyone have breakfast first. Achilles decides that the men can eat but he won’t until he’s killed Hector. So while everyone is sulking and trying to eat Zeus takes pity on the whole scene and sends Hera to magically feed Achilles some ambrosia so he’s not starving. Achilles then straps on the armor and hops in his chariot, he honestly yells at his horses for leaving Patroclus to die, I’m convinced he’s lost his mind. The thing is he knows he’s riding to his death but he still goes…totally nuts!

Zeus had a big pow wow today on Mount Olympus. He totes thinks that if Achilles storms the battle field that he can slaughter the Trojans and probably crush the city before fate says it should fall. So because of all this, and because Zeus likes his prophecies, she decides to let the gods intervene all over the place and every one of them flies from Mount Olympus and camps out on earth. Once they get there they decide they don’t want to get their hands dirty and just take seats on opposite sides to watch the bloodiest version of the Super Bowl ever. Apollo gives Aeneas a pep talk and cons him into challenging Achilles. The two meet on the field and start sniping at each other like teen age girls, just as Achilles is about to stab him Poseidon bum rushes the field and transports Aeneas somewhere safe. Lame! Hector then runs to the front line, but Apollo convinces him to hang back with the other boys and wait for Achilles, there is a lot of convincing going on around here, and the gods said they were only gonna watch. Although when Hector sees how Achilles is slaughtering the Trojans he loses it and attacks causing Apollo to save him yet again.

Achilles decided to divide and conquer today, chased half the Trojans to the river and started swinging. He totally slaughters Lycaon, and then kills Asteropaeus too when he makes a stand. Achilles has no plans for letting any Trojan live today. He murders so many of them that you could walk across the river on the bodies, this really ticks off the river god. He asks Achilles to quit throwing bodies in the river but to keep on killing ‘em, cuse hey that’s ok. Now the river, not to be confused with the river god, is on the Trojans side and yells for Apollo to help, this ticks of Achilles who then tries to kill the river. Honestly what is this guy on?! The river rises up and tries to drown Achilles and sends him waaaaay down the river, the gods save him though so it’s all good. Hera sends Hephaestus down to punish the river and he sets it on fire until it cries uncle.  Now a spat breaks out between all the gods, they argue over who is better and who should win. Athena beats down Ares and me which is like so rude, Poseidon challenges Apollo who absolutely refuses to get involved. Artemis calls Apollo some nasty names so Hera pulls her hair and smacks her around. While all this rumpus is going on Priam opens the gets of Troy so the fleeing troops can run in, but Achilles runs after them and almost takes the whole city. Agenor challenges Achilles to a fight man to man. Achilles of course says yes and the fight starts even though it’s not Agenor, but Apollo in disguise and this stall gives the Trojans time to scurry into the city like rats. Honestly will this war ever end?

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